/ Osteopathy for Headache & Migraine

Evidence-based, hands-on treatment for headaches and migraines

Osteopathy for Headache & Migraine
at OOI

At Osteopaths of Ivanhoe, we understand that dealing with chronic headaches and migraines can profoundly affect your life. That is why we provide a specific and tailored service to help you manage your current symptoms while addressing the underlying cause of your headaches or migraines for long term improvement.

Our Osteopaths are further trained, inclusive of the Watson Headache® Approach. We use a hands-on treatment method which focuses on addressing the sensitivity of the brainstem’s “headache centre”, known as the trigeminocervical complex (TCC), which is often the primary source of headache and migraine pain.

Treatment involves precise, sustained pressure applied to the upper neck, without forceful manipulation.

Our passion is helping you find a long term solution to your headaches and migraines.
Osteopathy for Headache & Migraine can benefit:
  • Chronic Headaches 
  • Migraine with Aura 
  • Migraine without aura
  • Cervicogenic Headache
  • Cluster Headache
  • Menstrual migraine 
  • Vestibular migraine 
  • Tension type Headache 
  • Post concussion syndrome 
  • Abdominal migraine

Appointments to fit in with your lifestyle

Osteopathy for Headache & Migraine PRACTITIONERS


Osteopathy for Headache & Migraine pricing


New Patients

Returning Patients

Headache & Migraine Osteopathic Appointment
Headache & Migraine Osteopathic Appointment

New Patients:

/ 45 minutes


/ 30 minutes

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